Acclaimed Bollywood filmmaker, Bejoy Nambiar, who has been associated with a number of off-beat films including David and Shaitan, is set to make a come back with his next directorial venture soon.
It was earlier reported that Bejoy was considering Shahid Kapoor to play a lead in his next, but reports have it that the filmmaker is now planning to rope in the Aashiqui 2 star, Aditya Roy Kapur as the lead. Giving a few details of his yet to be titled flick, Bejoy said, "I am still writing my next film and not decided about the cast yet. I am still working on the script and don't want to comment on it. I just met him (Aditya) once and we are talking. I don't want to reveal anything more than that."

The director chose to keep the details of the cast under wraps and said, "Once I finish the script, I can probably talk about it but right now it's too early."

Aditya, who was a crucial part of starry movies like Action Replayy, London Dreams and Guzaarish, rose to fame with his blockbuster hit film, Aashiqui 2. Vipul Shah, who launched the actor in his films London Dreams and Action Replayy, says that he too is waiting to work with Aaditya again. Said Vipul,"I always believed in Aditya's talent. That's why I gave him the central part in Action Replayy. And let me remind you, he played a rockstar in my film London Dreams long before Aashiqui 2. Unfortunately, these films didn't do well. But he got noticed. Now he has a huge fan-following. And that makes me very proud. Yes, we will be working together soon."


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