A slew of Hindi films are exploring locations at lesser-known places within the country

There was an era when film shooting meant plush studios with a little bit of outdoors. Soon enough, outdoor shooting under bright sunlight became a norm.

In fact, Yash Chopra's films became synonymous with the pristine white Alps and undulating green meadows abroad. But a wave of Hindi films seem to be willing to explore little-known places within the country. And not just for shooting a song or two. Looking for inspiration within seems to be the latest fad in town.
True to its title, this Imtiaz Ali film has been shot across six Indian states within a span of 52 days. Along the way, the team had to face extreme weather conditions and negotiate very difficult terrain. The team has had to trek 2-3 km every day to reach those picturesque real locations in Kashmir to shoot the small hutments of the local shepherds called Bakarwals.


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