Shah Rukh Khan, who recently welcomed his third child -- a baby boy born through a surrogate -- may have been a little peeved with all the unwarranted attention his family got from the Bombay Municipal Corporation officials but the star was brimming with excitement at the music launch of his upcoming film Chennai Express at JW Marriott hotel in Juhu, a western Mumbai suburb.
However, when quizzed for details about the newest mumber of his family, SRK urged the media to respect his family's privacy and talk about the agenda at hand instead.
'It is extremely personal and confidential, it's also a mixed bag of bittersweet moments for me and my family at this point. I would request everyone, including the concerned authorities, to show the same alacrity they did for their enthusiastic investigation on my baby on things that really matter.’
'Having said that, when the sad part of it gets over, of course I will share everything with you. So, this is the last question, get on the (Chennai Express) train, we will talk about my baby some other time,' the actor said
However, when quizzed for details about the newest mumber of his family, SRK urged the media to respect his family's privacy and talk about the agenda at hand instead.
'It is extremely personal and confidential, it's also a mixed bag of bittersweet moments for me and my family at this point. I would request everyone, including the concerned authorities, to show the same alacrity they did for their enthusiastic investigation on my baby on things that really matter.’
'Having said that, when the sad part of it gets over, of course I will share everything with you. So, this is the last question, get on the (Chennai Express) train, we will talk about my baby some other time,' the actor said
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