Despite having some successful films to his credit, John Abraham claims he has always been written off.

"I have been written off all the time but I kept on going and let my work talk. My biggest accomplishment is being around for 10 years," John states.

The actor’s hard work and long wait seems to be paying off, as he's got a plate full of movies, including his upcoming production Madras Cafe.

Set against backdrop of the Sri Lankan Civil War of the 1990s, Madras Cafe also stars Nargis Fakhri. It has been directed by Soojit Sircar.

John gets candid with Sonil Dedhia, and tells us what kind of movies he wants to make, and how his girlfriend Priya Runchal brought stability into his life.

A recent report suggested that your market worth is over Rs 500 crore, and you have invested in various properties, including a chain of gyms…

I don’t like to talk about my investments but I can say that it is important to invest your money safely.

I grew up in a middle class family. I had Rs 550 in the bank when I started my professional career. I value my earnings very much. I don’t wear fancy watches, don’t have any flashy stuff and rarely attend parties. I don’t do anything that is typically filmi.

It is nice to be a bad boy in Bollywood but in real life, you have to be a good role model. I want audiences to resonate with me and say, ‘he is like us’.

Have these investment decisions got anything to do with the investment banker in your life (girlfriend Priya Runchal)?

She is the stability factor in my life. I used to invest even before I met her but it does make a difference, as there is perspective now. I have always been cautious about how I spend my money.


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