The actor, Rishi Kapoor, who remembers long dialogues actually finds it difficult to remember names of people. Rishi Kapoor has a very lovable habit of calling everyone by different names each time.

Even on sets of his upcoming film, Shuddh Desi Romance, he would keep calling his co-stars Parineeti Chopra, Sushant Singh Rajput and people of the crew with different names without realizing. The younger unit on the sets of Shuddh Desi Romance recently learnt about this habit of Rishi Kapoor and once they were aware about this, they found it very adorable.

The people around the star are accustomed to this by now and the sport that Rishi Kapoor is that he himself laughs about this habit of his. The actor has the highest potential to shock you each time as he is very spontaneous and natural.

Parineeti Chopra says "Rishi sir has an adorable habit. He doesn't remember anyone's name. So he would keep calling everyone by different names. And what he will call you next is always a surprise. Best is, that he is also laughs the most about this habit of his"


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