Instead of throwing a fit, Ranbir Kapoor smiled and let go of a young woman who banged her car into his

Picture this: Someone's car bangs into yours. Besides the broken tail lights and bruised egos, accusations are hurled and the case escalated to the traffic cops. But for one young woman, the day ended on a happy note after she got to meet Ranbir Kapoor, whose car incidentally she had banged into.

Onlookers say RK was on his way out of the BR Studios in Santacruz when his car was bumped by another vehicle. But without creating a scene, the star brushed the incident aside and even flashed a smile at the embarrassed woman before speeding away.

Says a source, `The woman was trying to navigate her way into the studio premises and she invariably banged into Ranbir's car. But instead of creating a ruckus, RK grinned at the lady and drove away. The woman was very lucky, she even got RK to smile at her. She managed to convey her apologies to the actor and was floored by his kind gesture.

In the past, several cases of road rage have been reported against Bollywood celebrities. This one seemed to have had a happy ending. 


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