By:Rafeeq Mulla.Bollywood Action.News.

Mumbai: Andy was called to the confession room by ‘Bigg Boss’ and given a secret task to execute. Andy was told to make people inside the house laugh and create a happy atmosphere. He was allowed to take Ajaz’s help to complete the task.

‘Bigg Boss’ promised Andy that if he succeeded in making people then he would be rewarded. 

Andy shares the secret task with Ajaz and the two think of ways to spread laughter in the house. Ajaz dresses up like a woman and roams around the house in a mini-frock. He wears make-up and pretends to be a woman. Everyone including Tanishaa and Armaan enjoy Ajaz’s antics.

‘Bigg Boss’ was happy with Andy and Ajaz’s task and as a reward organised Sofia’s birthday party.


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