Super star Shah Rukh Khan has never avoided media persons whenever they wanted to meet him even allowed his son Aryan and daughter Suhana to mingle with the media. It is learnt that on the occasion of Eid he ensured that infant AbRam is kept away from the media galare. On the occasion, he along with his entire family wife Gauri, children Suhana and Aryan, sister Lala Rukh were there to greet media and fans at their bungalow Mannat.
But the 'Chennai Express' actor seems to have become over protective about his third child AbRam.
The actor was spotted at the airport returning from his New Year vacation in Phuket along with wife Gauri, children Aryan, Suhana and little AbRam. But SRK and his staff made all the efforts that little AbRam, who was born through surrogacy, is well hidden from the media.
The Khandaan's arrival created quite an excitement at the airport as the media tried their best to get a glimpse of AbRam. However, Shah Rukh had his staff formed a circle around the Gauri who carried little AbRam in her arms.
The baby was dressed in a black jacket with a hoodie that covered his face completely. Even older brother Aryan stood protectively in front of his family, hiding the baby from view.
Though Shah Rukh and Gauri have never kept older kids Aryan and Suhana from the public eye, apparently the actor intends to do things a bit differently when it comes to his youngest born.
Even actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan kept Aaradhya hidden for a long time after her birth. We first got a glimpse of her at her grandfather Amitabh Bachchan's grand 70th birthday bash in 2012.
But the 'Chennai Express' actor seems to have become over protective about his third child AbRam.
The actor was spotted at the airport returning from his New Year vacation in Phuket along with wife Gauri, children Aryan, Suhana and little AbRam. But SRK and his staff made all the efforts that little AbRam, who was born through surrogacy, is well hidden from the media.
The Khandaan's arrival created quite an excitement at the airport as the media tried their best to get a glimpse of AbRam. However, Shah Rukh had his staff formed a circle around the Gauri who carried little AbRam in her arms.
The baby was dressed in a black jacket with a hoodie that covered his face completely. Even older brother Aryan stood protectively in front of his family, hiding the baby from view.
Though Shah Rukh and Gauri have never kept older kids Aryan and Suhana from the public eye, apparently the actor intends to do things a bit differently when it comes to his youngest born.
Even actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan kept Aaradhya hidden for a long time after her birth. We first got a glimpse of her at her grandfather Amitabh Bachchan's grand 70th birthday bash in 2012.
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