We hear that the Mary Kom actor opted out of the actual event, but was at the after-party. Wonder why….
The world and its goldfish know that Priyanka Chopra is aiming at a superstar music career out West. Yes, we heard both her In My City and Exotic over all of last year and her new single is to be launched in London today. Since her papa Dr Ashok Chopra passed away, the gal has been working double-time, doing more than her fair share of shoots, endorsements, recordings and much more, trying to get herself physically and mentally exhausted so that she does not brood, she has said. And along the way she has understood better than most that half the battle for that crown on top of the ladder is about the right publicity at the right time. So special appearances, being accessible to the media, social networking – it all helps get you noticed. And PC’s PR machinery is superb, flooding the wires with more stories about less than you could ever think was possible. Put that all together, and you would think that the Gunday girl would be everywhere, doing everything, especially when she is invited to the most prestigious events in Hollywood. But to our collective amazement, Priyanka did not – repeat, NOT – go to the Golden Globe awards in Beverly Hills recently.

We know she was there, in the city, and was invited. But she did go to the pre-party, in a pretty Burberry frock and gorgeous heels, and was at the post-party too, in an oddly decorated dress with a snazzy neckline. But why not to the actual event? We have our theory. So many of the Indian actors, considered superstars and major celebrities in this country, are not even known by name in the West. Priyanka herself has commented on how she has to start from scratch in the US, but cannot walk down the street without being mobbed in India. So if she had been to the Golden Globe awards do, not many would have known who she is and she would have got the cold shoulder – remember Saif Ali Khan and Minissha Lamba at Cannes? And people would have noticed and been catty about it. But at the parties, which would have been far less public and inaccessible, it would not matter whether Priyanka was known or even acknowledged, hai na? And with the comparative privacy, her managers and friends who have been helping her launch her music career would have been there to help her make friends and influence people. Which would have been a much nicer, softer, easier way to get introduced to the Hollywood janata, wethinks.

This is the mark of a very smart cookie. And PC is one of the smartest in showbiz, you know!


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