Being the daughter of popular actress Dimple Kapadia and India’s first superstar Rajesh Khanna, Twinkle Khanna tried her hand at Bollywood and soon took up interior designing after her marriage to superstar Akshay Kumar. However, not restricting herself to designing, the former actress decided to pursue writing and is now also a famous columnist.

While her writing has gained popularity, it seems that Twinkle Khanna has now decided to pen down books and has taken a step already towards it. Apparently, she has signed a three book deal with the renowned Penguin Random House and her first book may be published this year itself. Though there have been no details released about her upcoming book, we hear that it will be related to the columns she has written by far along with some new pieces.

We tried contacting Twinkle Khanna for details but we haven’t received any response from the former actress.


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