Writer-director Rakhee Sandilya's debut film 'Ribbon' is a modern love story about urban millennial couples who attempt to balance work and family each day. More often than not, working women are compelled to choose between their career and family. So the one question that's never had an easy answer is, can women really have it all?
Kalki Koechlin, who often wears her feminist heart on her sleeve, agrees: "I think we need some equality in the kind of questions we're asked as well! When men are never asked how they balance work and family, women shouldn't be either. What we really need is for men and women to be equal shareholders at home, and this question will answer itself."
For Rakhee, the answer is an unequivocal yes on 'Can women really have it all?', provided society looks at parenting as a shared responsibility and not just the mother's domain. "Ribbon is the story of a working woman who wants to have a baby, but at the same time wishes to continue working. But she soon realises that expecting mothers find their loyalty questioned in this cut-throat corporate world."
'Ribbon' produced by Prakash Mondal and Swathi Mondal of Red Cart Films, and presented by Eros International is slated to release across India on November 3, 2017.
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