After almost a month, we yet again get to see a new twist in Bollywood's late actress Jiah Khan's suicide case. As per the media report, the forensic report regarding this suicide case has arrived, that has revealed yet another shocking piece of information. According to a leading daily, forensic report say that Jiah Khan was drunk at the time she committed suicide at her apartment in Mumbai. Reportedly, some percentage of alcohol was found in Jiah's blood test report. The Director of Forensic Laboratory have submitted the forensic report to the police. On the other hand, Jiah Khan's boyfriend Suraj Pancholi was released from the jail recently on bail. As per the media reports, the Bombay High Court had observed that Suraj cannot be held solely responsible for the "impulsive" act of Jiah Khan. The HC had observed the letter (on the basis of which Suraj was arrested), purportedly written by Jiah and recovered from her house, could not be taken as a suicide note as it is not addressed to anyone and was undated.


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