Katrina Kaif is known to remain diplomatically tightlipped about many issues, not the least her relationship with Ranbir Kapoor and her marriage plan. The actress has now spilled some beans but not without refraining from admitting her relationship with the handsome Kapoor lad. 

Almost everyone who knows about or has ogled at Katrina Kaif’s bikini snaps in Ibiza has an opinion about the actress’s unexpected reaction in the form of an open letter to the media. Now, in the latest issue of the Hello! magazine, the actress has shed more light on what riled her about the paparazzi invasion of her privacy.

“Everyone has an opinion on this topic, on the right to privacy as an actor. I've thought about it a lot too when the pictures were leaked. Everyone's opinion is valid. If you're an actor, your life is open to the public and if you have problem with that, then this is the wrong profession. I understand that theory.

“My point of view is that if I'm in an unguarded, private moment, is this really required? As an actor, I am prepared for an interview, for press conference, to meet the media on the red carpet or at a movie set. I just wish, well, in an ideal world, that I was left alone in my downtime. That was my private space. Having said that, this was my request. You may not agree as paparazzi, but I put on my opinion,” Katrina Kaif says in the interview.

When asked about her marriage, Katrina said her thoughts on subject have changed drastically.

“You can try to plan your career, but not marriage. That involves two people. I could be planning here, but what's going on in the other person's head? He could be planning to go to Ireland, or take that space trip in two years to the moon! My thoughts on marriage have changed drastically. Relationships for me change with experiences. I do know that I will only get married if I love that person insanely and can't live without him and if I get that back from him,”

There’s a lot more Katrina Kaif opens up about in the September issue of Hello! You can pick you copy from the stands. 


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