2013 seems to be the year of accomplishments for our very own Mr Perfectionist Aamir, who after making it to TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people list has now been selected for an award by one of the US organisation for his TV show "Satyamev Jayte" along with "Zero Dark Thirty" director Kathryn Bigelow.

If buzz is to be believed then Aamir will be honored at the inaugural awards dinner American Abroad Media in Washington DC on October 28, 2013. 

Confirming the news America Abroad Media has stated that,"Their work exemplifies the power of media to inform, educate and empower citizens about the critical social and public policy issues of our time. 

Even while Aamir's this small screen stint kick started on small screen it fetched huge accolades for its socially relevant content, and exploring the gigantic challenges which Indian socio-political system faces.


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