After the grand finale of "Bigg Boss - Saath 7", there was speculation that actress Gauhar Khan and Kushal Tandon will go separate ways. But belying all skepticism, the couple has now decided to carry their relationship further, and are in fact, in Goa together.

Confirming this, Gauhar said: "Yes, I am in Goa with Kushal and a whole lot of friends. After the long 105 days that I spent in 'Bigg Boss', I am finally unwinding."

Gauhar admits there was an apprehension within her that the equation between Kushal and she may change after the show. But to her relief and joy, things are absolutely unchanged between them.

"I am amazed and delighted to realize that we are exactly the same people that we were inside the 'Bigg Boss'. I am looking forward to a great 2014 for the two of us," she said.

Kushal too had expressed a similar misgiving regarding Gauhar when he was evicted a week before the grand finale.


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