Bhojpuri film actor Ravi Kishan says he aspires to contest the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls from his home district of Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh, adding he is still awaiting confirmation from the Congress on a ticket.

Saying that Congress was in "his blood", the actor Friday said he has applied for a ticket and was hopeful that the Congress leadership will approve it.

"I have completed all the preparations and very exited to jump into the political arena on a Congress ticket," he told reporters in Jaunpur.

Though many parties were in touch with him, he claimed his only choice was the Congress as he firmly believed in its policies, the 43-year-old actor said.

After a successful innings in the Bhojpuri cinema, Kishan has worked in television and Hindi films including "Phir Hera Pheri", "Agent Vinod" and "Bullet Raja". 


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